Tallinn University of Technology
Department of Cybernetics
Laboratory of Solid Mechanics

Nonlinear Dynamics
For TalTech students who are taking Mathematical Modelling and Nonlinear Dynamics course (YFX1520). The lecture notes, handouts of slides, and other resources can be found here (use, modify and distribute under CC BY 4.0 licence). Personal consultation can be arranged at my office on Wednesdays and Fridays (office hours: don't forget to schedule the meeting in advance).

Lecture notes, handouts, and other resources

Topics covered during a typical semester and course grading criteria: general, NLD.
Indices of the numerical files (nb#i) and refereed papers (Paper#i) linked below.
TalTech Moodle page of this course.

Lecture 1: Notes, Slides, Handout, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, Demonstration: Chaotic pendulum (Flyer, video#1, video#2, video#3)
Lecture 2: Notes, Slides, nb#1
Lecture 3: Notes, Slides, Read#1, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, Demonstration: Over-damped bead on a rotating hoop
Lecture 4: Notes, Slides, Classification of f.p.s (systems), nb#1, nb#2
Lecture 5: Notes, Slides, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5
Lecture 6: Notes, Slides, Paper#1, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5 Demonstration: Phase portrait of a pendulum
Lecture 7: Notes, Slides (91 MB), Slides (no videos), Classification of bifurcations, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7
Lecture 8: Notes, Slides (43 MB), Slides (no videos), Paper#1, Coursework requirements, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7, nb#8, Demonstration: Trefoil knot, cinquefoil knot
Lecture 9: Notes, Slides (8 MB), Slides (no videos), Paper#1, Paper#2, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7, nb#8, nb#9, Demonstration: Double pendulum, the Möbius strip
Lecture 10: Notes, Slides (9 MB), Slides (no videos), Handout, Paper#1, Paper#2, Paper#3, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6
Lecture 11: Notes, Slides (63 MB), Slides (no videos), Paper#1, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7
Lecture 12: Notes, Slides (13 MB), Slides (no videos), Paper#1, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7, nb#8, nb#9, Demonstration: Pizza dough kneading
Lecture 13: Notes, Slides (49 MB), Slides (no videos), Classification of f.p.s (maps), nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6
Lecture 14: Notes, Slides (151 MB), Slides (no videos), Paper#1, nb#1, nb#2, nb#3, nb#4, nb#5, nb#6, nb#7, nb#8, Demonstration: Spontaneous synchronised clapping
Lecture 15: Notes, Slides (144 MB), Slides (no videos), Exam: revision questions, practice exam, Demonstration: Kalliroscope, Chaotic pendulum
Lecture (i): Slides (13 MB)
The .nb files linked above can be opened with free Wolfram Player, Wolfram Mathematica or free Wolfram Cloud service. The Wolfram Player allows one to explore the files but does not allow to modify or execute the code. Videos embedded into the .pdf files of the lecture slides can be played back using Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

Coursework assignments

Coursework variant assignments and evaluation results

Variant 1 Variant 4 Variant 7 Variant 10 Variant 13 Variant 16 Variant 19
Variant 2 Variant 5 Variant 8 Variant 11 Variant 14 Variant 17 Variant 20
Variant 3 Variant 6 Variant 9 Variant 12 Variant 15 Variant 18 Variant 21

Coursework variants compiled into a single .pdf file and coursework requirements

NB! Completed coursework should be sent to Lecturer D. Kartofelev via e-mail (dmitri.kartofelev[at]taltech.ee) or in person before or after the lectures. Deadline for submitting the coursework is 21.05.2023.

Coursework: Analysis tools
  • Mathematica notebook file (.nb) for plotting 2-D and 3-D phase portraits. Tool created by Dmitri Kartofelev, PhD.
  • MATLAB script (.mlx) in live code file format for plotting 2-D and 3-D phase portraits. Tool created by Maria M. Vuin, MSc.
  • TBA: Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb) for plotting 2-D and 3-D phase portraits. Requires Jupyter installation.
  • A simple phase portrait plotting Java ARchive pplane.jar (local copy) created by John C. Polking, David Arnold and Joel Castellanos. Requires Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or newer.

Creation of the above study aids was supported by: HITSA Information Technology Foundation for Education, Project EITSA 20007, “Erialaste digipädevuste arendamine ja e-õppevara loomine täppisteadustes” (IT Akadeemia e-õppe arendusprojekt täppisteadustes, 2020).

Nonlinear Dynamics, YFX1520