Classpublic class BlitMask
InheritanceBlitMask Inheritance flash.display.Sprite

A BlitMask is basically a rectangular Sprite that acts as a high-performance mask for a DisplayObject by caching a bitmap version of it and blitting only the pixels that should be visible at any given time, although its bitmapMode can be turned off to restore interactivity in the DisplayObject whenever you want. When scrolling very large images or text blocks, a BlitMask can greatly improve performance, especially on mobile devices that have weaker processors.

Here are some of the conveniences BlitMask offers:

Example AS3 code:
 import com.greensock.*;
 //create a 200x200 BlitMask positioned at x:20, y:50 to mask our "mc" object and turn smoothing on:
 var blitMask:BlitMask = new BlitMask(mc, 20, 50, 200, 200, true);
 //position mc at the top left of the BlitMask using the scrollX and scrollY properties
 blitMask.scrollX = 0;
 blitMask.scrollY = 0;
 //tween the scrollY to make mc scroll to the bottom over the course of 3 seconds and then turn off bitmapMode so that mc becomes interactive:, 3, {scrollY:1, onComplete:blitMask.disableBitmapMode});
 //or simply position mc manually and then call update() to sync the display:
 mc.x = 350;

Copyright 2011-2012, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for corporate Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the corporate membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined by
  autoUpdate : Boolean
If true, the BlitMask will automatically watch the target to see if its position/scale/rotation has changed on each frame (while bitmapMode is true) and if so, it will update() to make sure the BlitMask always stays synced with the target.
  bitmapMode : Boolean
When true, the BlitMask optimizes itself for performance by setting the target's visible property to false (greatly reducing the load on Flash's graphics rendering routines) and uses its internally cached bitmap version of the target to redraw only the necessary pixels inside the masked area.
  fillColor : uint
The ARGB hexadecimal color that should fill the empty areas of the BlitMask.
  height : Number
Height of the BlitMask
  rotation : Number
[write-only] Rotation of the BlitMask (always 0 because BlitMasks can't be rotated!)
  scaleX : Number
scaleX (warning: altering the scaleX won't actually change its value - instead, it affects the width property accordingly)
  scaleY : Number
scaleY (warning: altering the scaleY won't actually change its value - instead, it affects the height property accordingly)
  scrollX : Number
Typically a value between 0 and 1 indicating the target's position in relation to the BlitMask on the x-axis where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is scrolled to exactly the halfway point, and 1 is scrolled all the way.
  scrollY : Number
Typically a value between 0 and 1 indicating the target's position in relation to the BlitMask on the y-axis where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is scrolled to exactly the halfway point, and 1 is scrolled all the way.
  smoothing : Boolean
If false (the default), the bitmap (and the BlitMask's x/y coordinates) will be rendered only on whole pixels which is faster in terms of processing.
  target : DisplayObject
The target DisplayObject that the BlitMask should mask
  width : Number
Width of the BlitMask
  wrap : Boolean
If true, the bitmap will be wrapped around to the opposite side when it scrolls off one of the edges (only in bitmapMode of course), like the BlitMask is filled with a grid of bitmap copies of the target.
  wrapOffsetX : Number
When wrap is true, wrapOffsetX controls how many pixels along the x-axis the wrapped copies of the bitmap are spaced.
  wrapOffsetY : Number
When wrap is true, wrapOffsetY controls how many pixels along the y-axis the wrapped copies of the bitmap are spaced.
  x : Number
x coordinate of the BlitMask (it will automatically be forced to whole pixel values if smoothing is false).
  y : Number
y coordinate of the BlitMask (it will automatically be forced to whole pixel values if smoothing is false).
Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
BlitMask(target:DisplayObject, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, width:Number = 100, height:Number = 100, smoothing:Boolean = false, autoUpdate:Boolean = false, fillColor:uint = 0x00000000, wrap:Boolean = false)
disableBitmapMode(event:Event = null):void
Identical to setting bitmapMode = false but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler.
Disposes of the BlitMask and its internal BitmapData instances, releasing them for garbage collection.
enableBitmapMode(event:Event = null):void
Identical to setting bitmapMode = true but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler.
Repositions the target so that it is visible within the BlitMask, as though wrap was enabled (this method is called automatically when bitmapMode is disabled while wrap is true).
setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void
Sets the width and height of the BlitMask.
update(event:Event = null, forceRecaptureBitmap:Boolean = false):void
Updates the BlitMask's internal bitmap to reflect the target's current position/scale/rotation.
Property detail
autoUpdate:Boolean  [read-write]

If true, the BlitMask will automatically watch the target to see if its position/scale/rotation has changed on each frame (while bitmapMode is true) and if so, it will update() to make sure the BlitMask always stays synced with the target. This is the easiest way to use BlitMask but it is slightly less efficient than manually calling update() whenever you need to. Keep in mind that if you're tweening with TweenLite or TweenMax, you can simply set its onUpdate to the BlitMask's update() method to keep things synced. Like onUpdate:myBlitMask.update.

    public function get autoUpdate():Boolean
    public function set autoUpdate(value:Boolean):void
bitmapMode:Boolean  [read-write]

When true, the BlitMask optimizes itself for performance by setting the target's visible property to false (greatly reducing the load on Flash's graphics rendering routines) and uses its internally cached bitmap version of the target to redraw only the necessary pixels inside the masked area. Since only a bitmap version of the target is shown while in bitmapMode, the target won't be interactive. So if you have buttons and other objects that normally react to MouseEvents, they won't while in bitmapMode. If you need the interactivity, simply set bitmapMode to false and then it will turn the target's visible property back to true and its mask property to the BlitMask itself. Typically it is best to turn bitmapMode on at least when you're animating the target or the BlitMask itself, and then when the tween/animation is done and you need interactivity, set bitmapMode back to false. For example:

var bm:BlitMask = new BlitMask(mc, 0, 0, 300, 200, true);, 3, {x:200, onUpdate:bm.update, onComplete:completeHandler});

function completeHandler():void {
bm.bitmapMode = false;

    public function get bitmapMode():Boolean
    public function set bitmapMode(value:Boolean):void

See also

fillColor:uint  [read-write]

The ARGB hexadecimal color that should fill the empty areas of the BlitMask. By default, it is transparent (0x00000000). If you wanted a red color, for example, it would be 0xFFFF0000.

    public function get fillColor():uint
    public function set fillColor(value:uint):void
height:Number  [read-write]

Height of the BlitMask

    public function get height():Number
    public function set height(value:Number):void
rotation:Number  [write-only]

Rotation of the BlitMask (always 0 because BlitMasks can't be rotated!)

    public function set rotation(value:Number):void
scaleX:Number  [read-write]

scaleX (warning: altering the scaleX won't actually change its value - instead, it affects the width property accordingly)

    public function get scaleX():Number
    public function set scaleX(value:Number):void
scaleY:Number  [read-write]

scaleY (warning: altering the scaleY won't actually change its value - instead, it affects the height property accordingly)

    public function get scaleY():Number
    public function set scaleY(value:Number):void
scrollX:Number  [read-write]

Typically a value between 0 and 1 indicating the target's position in relation to the BlitMask on the x-axis where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is scrolled to exactly the halfway point, and 1 is scrolled all the way. This makes it very easy to animate the scroll. For example, to scroll from beginning to end over 5 seconds, you could do:

myBlitMask.scrollX = 0;, 5, {scrollX:1});

    public function get scrollX():Number
    public function set scrollX(value:Number):void

See also

scrollY:Number  [read-write]

Typically a value between 0 and 1 indicating the target's position in relation to the BlitMask on the y-axis where 0 is at the beginning, 0.5 is scrolled to exactly the halfway point, and 1 is scrolled all the way. This makes it very easy to animate the scroll. For example, to scroll from beginning to end over 5 seconds, you could do:

myBlitMask.scrollY = 0;, 5, {scrollY:1});

    public function get scrollY():Number
    public function set scrollY(value:Number):void

See also

smoothing:Boolean  [read-write]

If false (the default), the bitmap (and the BlitMask's x/y coordinates) will be rendered only on whole pixels which is faster in terms of processing. However, for the best quality and smoothest animation, set smoothing to true.

    public function get smoothing():Boolean
    public function set smoothing(value:Boolean):void
target:DisplayObject  [read-write]

The target DisplayObject that the BlitMask should mask

    public function get target():DisplayObject
    public function set target(value:DisplayObject):void
width:Number  [read-write]

Width of the BlitMask

    public function get width():Number
    public function set width(value:Number):void
wrap:Boolean  [read-write]

If true, the bitmap will be wrapped around to the opposite side when it scrolls off one of the edges (only in bitmapMode of course), like the BlitMask is filled with a grid of bitmap copies of the target. Use the wrapOffsetX and wrapOffsetY properties to affect how far apart the copies are from each other. You can reposition the target anywhere and BlitMask will align the copies accordingly.

    public function get wrap():Boolean
    public function set wrap(value:Boolean):void

See also

wrapOffsetX:Number  [read-write]

When wrap is true, wrapOffsetX controls how many pixels along the x-axis the wrapped copies of the bitmap are spaced. It is essentially the gap between the copies (although you can use a negative value or 0 to avoid any gap).

    public function get wrapOffsetX():Number
    public function set wrapOffsetX(value:Number):void

See also

wrapOffsetY:Number  [read-write]

When wrap is true, wrapOffsetY controls how many pixels along the y-axis the wrapped copies of the bitmap are spaced. It is essentially the gap between the copies (although you can use a negative value or 0 to avoid any gap).

    public function get wrapOffsetY():Number
    public function set wrapOffsetY(value:Number):void

See also

x:Number  [read-write]

x coordinate of the BlitMask (it will automatically be forced to whole pixel values if smoothing is false).

    public function get x():Number
    public function set x(value:Number):void
y:Number  [read-write]

y coordinate of the BlitMask (it will automatically be forced to whole pixel values if smoothing is false).

    public function get y():Number
    public function set y(value:Number):void
Constructor detail
public function BlitMask(target:DisplayObject, x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, width:Number = 100, height:Number = 100, smoothing:Boolean = false, autoUpdate:Boolean = false, fillColor:uint = 0x00000000, wrap:Boolean = false)


target:DisplayObject — The DisplayObject that will be masked by the BlitMask
x:Number (default = 0) — x coorinate of the upper left corner of the BlitMask. If smoothing is false, the x coordinate will be rounded to the closest integer.
y:Number (default = 0) — y coordinate of the upper right corner of the BlitMask
width:Number (default = 100) — width of the BlitMask (in pixels)
height:Number (default = 100) — height of the BlitMask (in pixels)
smoothing:Boolean (default = false) — If false (the default), the bitmap (and the BlitMask's x/y coordinates) will be rendered only on whole pixels which is faster in terms of processing. However, for the best quality and smoothest animation, set smoothing to true.
autoUpdate:Boolean (default = false) — If true, the BlitMask will automatically watch the target to see if its position/scale/rotation has changed on each frame (while bitmapMode is true) and if so, it will update() to make sure the BlitMask always stays synced with the target. This is the easiest way to use BlitMask but it is slightly less efficient than manually calling update() whenever you need to. Keep in mind that if you're tweening with TweenLite or TweenMax, you can simply set its onUpdate to the BlitMask's update() method to keep things synced. Like onUpdate:myBlitMask.update.
fillColor:uint (default = 0x00000000) — The ARGB hexadecimal color that should fill the empty areas of the BlitMask. By default, it is transparent (0x00000000). If you wanted a red color, for example, it would be 0xFFFF0000.
wrap:Boolean (default = false) — If true, the bitmap will be wrapped around to the opposite side when it scrolls off one of the edges (only in bitmapMode of course), like the BlitMask is filled with a grid of bitmap copies of the target. Use the wrapOffsetX and wrapOffsetY properties to affect how far apart the copies are from each other.
Method detail
public function disableBitmapMode(event:Event = null):void

Identical to setting bitmapMode = false but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler. For example, to enable bitmapMode at the beginning of a tween and then disable it when the tween completes, you could do:, 3, {x:400, onStart:myBlitMask.enableBitmapMode, onUpdate:myBlitMask.update, onComplete:myBlitMask.disableBitmapMode});

event:Event (default = null) — An optional Event that isn't used internally but makes it possible to use the method as an event handler like addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myBlitMask.disableBitmapMode).

See also

public function dispose():void

Disposes of the BlitMask and its internal BitmapData instances, releasing them for garbage collection.

public function enableBitmapMode(event:Event = null):void

Identical to setting bitmapMode = true but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler. For example, to enable bitmapMode at the beginning of a tween and then disable it when the tween completes, you could do:, 3, {x:400, onStart:myBlitMask.enableBitmapMode, onUpdate:myBlitMask.update, onComplete:myBlitMask.disableBitmapMode});

event:Event (default = null) — An optional Event that isn't used internally but makes it possible to use the method as an event handler like addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myBlitMask.enableBitmapMode).

See also

public function normalizePosition():void

Repositions the target so that it is visible within the BlitMask, as though wrap was enabled (this method is called automatically when bitmapMode is disabled while wrap is true). For example, if you tween the target way off the edge of the BlitMask and have wrap enabled, it will appear to come back in from the other side even though the raw coordinates of the target would indicate that it is outside the BlitMask. If you want to force the coordinates to normalize so that they reflect that wrapped position, simply call normalizePosition(). It will automatically choose the coordinates that would maximize the visible portion of the target if a seam is currently showing.

public function setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void

Sets the width and height of the BlitMask. Keep in mind that a BlitMask should not be rotated or scaled. You can also directly set the width or height properties.

width:Number — The width of the BlitMask
height:Number — The height of the BlitMask

See also

public function update(event:Event = null, forceRecaptureBitmap:Boolean = false):void

Updates the BlitMask's internal bitmap to reflect the target's current position/scale/rotation. This is a very important method that you'll need to call whenever visual or transformational changes are made to the target so that the BlitMask remains synced with it.

event:Event (default = null) — An optional Event object (which isn't used at all internally) in order to make it easier to use update() as an event handler. For example, you could addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myBlitMask.update) to make sure it is updated on every frame (although it would be more efficient to simply set autoUpdate to true in this case).
forceRecaptureBitmap:Boolean (default = false) — Normally, the cached bitmap of the target is only recaptured if its scale or rotation changed because doing so is rather processor-intensive, but you can force a full update (and regeneration of the cached bitmap) by setting forceRecaptureBitmap to true.