Create a new Enterprise Architect project; choose BPMN, TOGAF, Look under the Requirements Model - Goals, Create a new Requirements diagram. Create a new diagram under the Goals package, look under the TOGAF - Business Architecture - Business Motivation Model. Create 'New Boundary' for a specific Balanced Scorecard View. Create new elements by using the TOGAF element menu. You can activate the TOGAF menu via: 'Add a new element / New element or Connector' button / popup menu - Other - TOGAF - Business Motivation Model - Activate Business Motivation Model Toolbox. After that within a diagram you will get the active toolbox as default from under the 'Add a new element' button. Create Objective as a new Objective. Create an 'Initiative' as a Tactic element or as a 'Course of Action' element. Use the association 'Implements' for connecting the Initiative to the Objective. Create Measure as a 'Desired result' item. Right-click the Desired Result and choose 'Add constraint' for the Target measure. You can create goals as a new Goal. Goal element has a TOGAF tab for goal properties, including: Measures, Targets, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. However, all those are created as Goal attributes. Threats can be modeled separately as Risk elements.