Classpublic class FastEase

TweenMax (AS3 only) has built-in algorithms that speed up the processing of certain easing equations but in order to take advantage of those optimizations, you must activate the easing equations first (you only need to activate them ONCE in your swf). The following easing equations from the com.greensock.easing package are eligible for activation:

import com.greensock.easing.

//activate the optimized ease classes
FastEase.activate([Strong, Linear, Quad]);

//then tween as usual (you don't have to do anything special in your tweens), 2, {x:200, ease:Linear.easeNone});

Once activated, the easing calculations run about 35-80% faster! Keep in mind that the easing calculations are only one small part of the tweening engine, so you may only see a 2-15% improvement overall depending on the equation and quantity of simultaneous tweens. Notes:

Public Methods
 MethodDefined by
[static] TweenMax (AS3 only) has built-in algorithms that speed up the processing of certain easing equations but in order to take advantage of those optimizations, you must activate the easing equations first (you only need to activate them ONCE in your swf).
activateEase(ease:Function, type:int, power:uint):void
[static] Normally you should use the FastEase.activate() method to activate optimized eases, but if you want to activate an ease that is NOT in the com.greensock.easing package (for example fl.motion.easing.Quadratic), you can register individual easing equations with this method.
Method detail
public static function activate(easeClasses:Array):void

TweenMax (AS3 only) has built-in algorithms that speed up the processing of certain easing equations but in order to take advantage of those optimizations, you must activate the easing equations first (you only need to activate them ONCE in your swf). The following easing equations from the com.greensock.easing package are eligible for activation:


import com.greensock.easing.

FastEase.activate([Strong, Linear, Quad]);


easeClasses:Array — An Array containing the easing classes to activate, like [Strong, Linear, Quad]. It will automatically activate the easeIn, easeOut, easeInOut, and (if available) easeNone easing equations for each class in the Array.
public static function activateEase(ease:Function, type:int, power:uint):void

Normally you should use the FastEase.activate() method to activate optimized eases, but if you want to activate an ease that is NOT in the com.greensock.easing package (for example fl.motion.easing.Quadratic), you can register individual easing equations with this method. For example: import fl.motion.easing.Quadratic;
import com.greensock.easing.FastEase;

FastEase.activateEase(Quadratic.easeIn, 1, 1);

ease:Function — The easing equation (function) to activate. For example, Quadratic.easeIn
type:int — The type of ease (in, out, or inOut) where easeIn is 1, easeOut is 2, and easeInOut is 3.
power:uint — The magnitude or power of the ease. For example, Linear is 0, Quad is 1, Cubic is 2, Quart is 3 and Quint and Strong are 4.